Ups and downs of a boy with a bicycle, and with frills knowledge and whatever it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kilobike Grow With Your Child

Regards for sepeda hijau's mate! It's been a long time I knew about this news, but just now I have to say. Why? Since I lost the link to get this info. This time the bike made specifically for children, because growth is very real indeed.

The Expanding Kilobike Concept Kilo/Yanko Design

The tricky thing about buying a bike (or anything else) for a kid is that there's a 99.9-percent certainty they'll outgrow it. The genius behind the Kilobike is that while they're between the ages of 6 and 12, the bike will grow with them.

The Kilobike, a concept by German firm Kilo Design, comes with swappable joints in the frame's top tube, which expand it out diagonally. When teamed with standard seat- and handlebar-height adjustments, these joints allow the bike to grow right along with a child's ever-lengthening limbs while ensuring they ride with proper ergonomics. Not to mention saving mom and dad a few dollars over the years.

It's one of those conceptual designs that seem so simple that they would have to have existed in the mainstream by now, right?

[Kilo Design via Yanko Design]


Jhoni20 said...

ini model sepeda untk anak2 ya zan?!?!?!

eh kemana aja nih kok baru muncul?!?!?! sibuk ni ma sekolahnya?????

UzAn-Namus said...

Ya kak, itu sepeda untuk anak-anak_

Ya nih kak, lagi sibuk tentang sekolah, dana, universitas, komputer yang rusak dan lain-lain. He3x_

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